Self-Suspension - Introduction Workshop
A 2 hour introduction workshop to start learning self-suspension
活動詳情 Event Details
Who is this workshop suitable for? This workshop is designed for people with zero rope experience or aerial experience. You don’t need to be flexible or strong. People with experience are also welcome to join as well. We will go through the very basics, things you probably know how to tie as a rigger already, however we will see everything from the perspective of self-suspension and you will definitely learn new things. 這個工作坊適合誰? 這個工作坊專為零繩縛經驗或空中表演經驗的人設計。您不需要特別柔軟或有力氣。有經驗的人也非常歡迎參加。我們將從最基礎的部分開始,這些可能是作為繩手的您已經會綁的東西,但我們會從自縛吊的角度來看,您一定會學到新知識。 What are the prerequisites for joining this workshop? What should participants bring? You don't need to be fit but you should have an overall good body condition, please don't join this class if you have an injury that could be worsened by physical activities.. Self-suspension can be tiring so remember to bring a water bottle and a snack. I always suggest tight yoga clothes for practicing self-suspension, however, if you know that you have very sensitive skin, or low pain tolerance, don’t hesitate to wear thicker clothes like jeans. If you wear too loose or fragile fabric it might get caught in the ropes or get damaged by the friction of the ropes. 參加此工作坊需要具備什麼條件?參與者應該攜帶什麼? 您不需要特別強壯,但應該具備整體良好的身體狀況。如果您有可能因為體力活動而加重的傷勢,請勿參加此課程。自縛吊可能會很累,因此請記得攜帶水瓶和小點心。 我建議練習自縛吊時穿著貼身的瑜伽服,但如果您皮膚非常敏感或耐痛能力較低,也可以穿較厚的衣物,例如牛仔褲。請避免穿太鬆或容易破損的布料,因為它可能會被繩子卡住或因摩擦而損壞。 Duration and punctuality: The workshop will last for 2 hours. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early so that we can all start together on time. 活動時長與要求準時:工作坊總共120分鐘。請在活動開始前5-10分鐘抵達,以求準時開始。 Bilingual instruction: We will have two instructors available during the workshop. One instructor is fluent in both Chinese and English, while the other is fluent in English and French. This way, we can accommodate participants who are more comfortable in either language. 雙語進行:我們會有兩位導師,一位能流利使用中英語,另一為能流利使用英法語。這樣一來,我們就可以滿足對任一種語言更為熟悉的參與者的需求。 You will be in groups of 2 during the workshop, alternating between practicing and spotting your partner. 工作坊期間,您將兩人一組,輪流進行自縛吊練習與協助確保夥伴的安全。 (spotter=確保安全的觀察者) Rope provision: We have some ropes you can use during the workshop. However, if you have a limited amount so if you own ropes that are suitable for self-suspension, please bring them along. 繩子提供:我們會在工作坊中提供一些繩子供您使用。不過數量有限,因此如果您有適合自縛吊的繩子,請自行攜帶。