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貓樓上 - 平日醬子練繩吧! Cats Downstairs Weeknight Open Rope Jam

5月01日 週三


Datong District

下班下課練繩去!一個繩縛愛好者、新手聚會與練習的地方! Where to go after work/class? A place for rope lovers to hang out and practice!

貓樓上 - 平日醬子練繩吧! Cats Downstairs Weeknight Open Rope Jam
貓樓上 - 平日醬子練繩吧! Cats Downstairs Weeknight Open Rope Jam

Time & Location 時間 & 地點

2024年5月01日 下午8:00 – 2024年5月30日 下午10:00

Datong District, Section 3, Chengde Rd, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan


【貓樓上 3.0 】五月試營運平日醬子練繩吧

歡迎來到貓樓上3.0!除了我們常態的週日貓樓上。繩語沙龍外,本月試營運將開放平日晚間8-10PM,歡迎大家來使用場地並給我們建議。Jam-醬。Jam是一個大家來一起做點什麼的聚會,也是大家一起來即興創作的動詞。沒有其他意譯,你可以常看到爵士樂的Jam,大概就是一群樂手聚在一起玩音樂。Rope Jam就是我們聚在一起綁綁啦~



W1= 1/ 2 週三四

W2= 7/ 8/ 9  週二三四

W3= 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17  週一二三四五

W4= 20/ 21/ 22/ 23  週一二三四

W5= 27/ 28/ 30  週一二四


【Cats Downstairs 3.0】Soft-opening MayWeeknight Open Rope Jam

Welcome to Cats Downstairs 3.0! In addition to our regular Sunday Nights Cats Downstairs Rope Salon, we're opening our venue on weekdays this month from 8 to 10 PM, welcoming everyone to come try our new space and give us feedback. Jam is a gathering where people meet and do something creative; it is a verb you use to improvise with others. When you see a jazz jam, it's a bunch of musicians playing music together. Rope Jam is where we meet and tie!

Open Dates for May:

Once you have successfully registered, you can come on any dates listed!

W1= 1/ 2/ Wed, Thur

W2= 7/ 8/ 9 Tue, Wed, Thur

W3= 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri

W4= 20/ 21/ 22/ 23 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur

W5= 27/ 28/ 30 Mon, Tue, Thur

Please adhere to the following policies and guidelines to ensure community safety and event quality. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

報名 & 入場原則:

  • 報名成功並獲得確認信者,始得入場。
  • 確認信,內有詳細地址及活動事項。
  • 不可代他人報名,參加者每人皆需自行報名。

Registration & Attendance Policy:

  • A successful registration with the confirmation email is required for attendance.
  • A confirmation email comes with our address and detailed event information.
  • Each participant must fill out their own registration form.


  • 地點:近捷運民權西路站/圓山站。確切地址請參照確認信內容。
  • 歡迎各路人士參加,不限性別。
  • 所有參加人士均需獲得同等尊重,包括個人界線及知情同意原則。
  • 在尊重所有其他參加人士的前提下,您享有自由、安全的自我表達空間,不受個人認同限制。

Event Details:

  • Venue: Within walking distance of MRT Yuanshan Station and MRT Minquan West Road. The exact address will be sent in the confirmation email.
  • Open to all genders and sexualities.
  • Respect for all participants is paramount, including boundaries and informed consent.
  • No matter how you identify yourself, you can speak and present yourself freely and safely here, on the ground that you provide equal respect to all other participants.


  • 豐富的懸吊設備。
  • 精挑細選的音樂清單、茶點。
  • 提供一些公用繩,不過,還是建議您攜帶自己的繩子。


  • Suspension equipment provided.
  • Playlist, tea, and snacks available.
  • We have a limited stock of ropes; we encourage you to bring your own ropes.


  • 無論您是剛接觸繩縛/自縛吊的新朋友或是資深繩手,貓樓上・繩語沙龍都歡迎您!
  • 沒有繩縛相關經驗的朋友也很歡迎!
  • 如果不想社交的話,也歡迎您在旁觀看!

Experience Level:

  • All levels of rope lovers are welcome.
  • No prior experience is necessary. 
  • You are free to just observe on your own if you do not wish to participate or socialize.


  • 現金付款或銀行轉帳
  • 均一價200NT。

Entrance Fee:

  • Cash or bank transfer is accepted.
  • 200NT






  • 對每位在場人士的個人界線,請保持最高的尊重。
  • 任何活動開始前,皆需取得對方的知情同意。
  • 安全是我們的最高原則。
  • 本沙龍盡力維護在場所有人的實踐安全,但您的安全和個人界線最終是您的責任。
  • 若工作人員留意到您或與您實踐的對象有安全上的疑慮,可能會有禮貌地告知,並可能會建議您調整自己的做法。
  • 繩縛實踐需要強烈專注。當身邊有人正在進行繩縛實踐時,請保持安靜。
  • 當有人正在綁或解繩時,請勿擅自介入打擾。除非事前有溝通過,否則打擾、詢問是否可以加入實踐、干涉他人的繩縛都是使人不快的。
  • 除非取得在場所有人的知情同意,否則請勿拍照攝影。
  • 攝影時,請確保非相關人士,含可辨識身份之個人物品,不在鏡框中。可請工作人員協助確認。
  • 飲食請至非實踐區域。
  • 請勿將食物及飲料帶到實踐區,保持實踐區整潔。
  • 建議準時入場,如有需要,入場後可以隨時離場。
  • 如造成設備或器物損傷,需照價賠償。
  • 從事滴蠟或是液體類實踐時,請在夥伴身下放置保潔墊。
  • 垃圾請放到垃圾桶或回收箱。

Friendly Reminders:

  • Respect the personal boundaries of every participant.
  • Informed consent must be obtained before any activities commence.
  • Safety is our first priority.
  • While we strive to ensure that every Shibari session happening in our salon is safe, your safety and boundaries are your own responsibility.
  • If we notice something concerning your safety or the safety of others, we will gently let you know and may ask you to adjust your behavior.
  • Shibari requires a strong level of concentration. Please keep your voice down when people around you are tying.
  • Please do not invite yourself into their session when people are tying or untying. Do not interrupt or ask if you can join or intervene unless agreed upon in advance.
  • Photography is prohibited unless explicit consent is granted by all relevant parties involved.
  • Please confirm with the host/organizers and ensure no other people are in your frame.
  • Stay in the designated snacking area for food or beverages.
  • DO NOT bring drinks/food on the mats; keep the action area clean.
  • It is advisable to arrive on time for the event. You may leave and return to the venue at will during the event.
  • Compensation shall be claimed if your actions cause any damage to any equipment/items available.
  • When engaging in wax-play, place a waterproof protector sheet under your partner.
  • Dispose of trash in the trashcan or the recycling bin.

Schedule 時程

  • 2 小時

    平日醬子練繩吧!Weeknight Open Rope Jam


  • 2 小時

    平日醬子練繩吧!Weeknight Open Rope Jam

15 more items available

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