貓樓上。繩語沙龍★客座繩手Yada - Guest Rigger Yada★Cats Downstairs Rope Salon
7月07日 週日
|貓樓上 Cats Downstairs
震撼,欣賞,體驗;想與Yada交流不要錯過這次的繩語沙龍!一個繩縛愛好者、新手聚會與練習的地方!Know more about Yada - don't miss out this rope salon! A place for rope lovers and beginners to hangout and practice!

Time & Location 時間 & 地點
2024年7月07日 下午5:30 – 下午9:30
貓樓上 Cats Downstairs, Section 3, Chengde Rd, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan
【貓樓上。繩語沙龍★客座繩手Yada - Guest Rigger Yada★Cats Downstairs Rope Salon】
7/7 特別邀請 Yada 來到貓樓上!別害羞,歡迎親自與她聊聊~ 震撼,欣賞,體驗;想與Yada交流,不要錯過這次的繩語沙龍!
- Yada.kinbaku 簡介
Yada Keawburee / Yada.kinbaku 是一位來自泰國,曼谷的緊縛、性教育、及禁羈教育工作者,師從吉田よい(歌舞伎町SM酒吧「初心-UBU-」、「密蜜-mitsu-」經營者)。
We're honored to have Yada at Cats Downstairs! Don't be shy, welcome to chat with her yourself. Wanna know more about Yada? Don't miss out this rope salon!
- Guest artist Yada.kinbaku
Yada Keawburee aka.Yada.kinbaku Student of Yoi Yoshida. Shibari Artist & Sexual/Kink Education based in Bangkok, Thailand.
Yada began exploring Japanese rope bondage in 2015 and opened her own workshop under the name "Yada Kinbaku" to teach techniques in late 2018.
Yada's teaching is based on her teacher in Japan, Yoi Yoshida, and is slightly customized to suit each person.
Yada believes that rope bondage is not just about tying someone up, but it's also a way to communicate with a person through rope without saying any words, allowing oneself to sink deep into vulnerability.
Yada believes that it's important for everyone to stay in touch with themselves and to confront any trauma they may have. By delving into the deepest parts of oneself, healing and feeling better become possible.
歡迎來到 貓樓上。繩語沙龍。
Welcome to Cats Downstairs Rope Salon.
Please adhere to the following policies and guidelines to ensure community safety and event quality. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
這是一個繩縛練習場地,若您第一次參加本次活動, 我們會為您做簡單場地介紹與繩縛基本注意事項說明,接著您可以自由使用場地:我們提供不同形式的專業吊點,以及練習用繩麻繩可借用,我們歡迎聊天與休息放空,但**請在綁繩當事人周遭降低音量。**活動現場會準備簡易茶點與飲料,也歡迎您帶零食來分。另外也不定時販售麻繩、低溫蠟燭、繩縛書籍,請詢問工作人員當天供應狀況。有任何需求想法歡迎您告知工作人員,我們樂於提供協助,也鼓勵您多與其他同好交流認識新朋友,大家都很樂於交流各種圈內資訊喔!
Cat Downstairs Rope Salon
This is a Shibari (rope bondage) practicing event. If this is your first participation, we will offer an event introduction and basic Shibari knowledge. You will be free to engage in activities afterward. The venue provides a variety of suspension equipment, including suspension points, straps, carabiners, mats, and bamboo. We encourage everyone to bring their own ropes, but if you don’t have any, we have some stock available for you as well, but they may be occupied if we’re crowded. Besides shibari, leisure activities and chatting are welcomed. However, it is advised to keep your voice down when people around you are tying. We have prepared some tea and snacks for you to enjoy, and you are welcome to bring your favorite Sunday treats too. We have ropes, candles, and shibari-related books for sale too. For details on stocks, refer to our staff. Any questions, personal needs, thoughts, or advice to our staff members are welcome. We are here to help and we encourage you to meet and get to know the people in our community. We will be more than willing to share the community information we have now!
If you wish not to join the salon, but to see Yada's first debut in Taiwan, please sign up>>> here.
For more English content, please scroll down.
報名 & 入場原則:
- 報名成功並獲得確認信者,始得入場。
- 確認信,內有詳細地址及活動事項。
- 如會晚到或欲取消,請通知主辦單位。
- 不可代他人報名,參加者每人皆需自行報名。
- 地點:近捷運民權西路站/圓山站。確切地址請參照確認信內容。
- 歡迎各路人士參加,不限性別與各種認同。
- 所有參加人士均需獲得同等尊重,包括個人界線及知情同意原則。
- 在尊重所有其他參加人士的前提下,您享有自由、安全的自我表達空間,不受個人認同限制。
- 豐富的懸吊設備。
- 精挑細選的音樂清單、茶點。
- 提供一些公用繩,不過,還是建議您攜帶自己的繩子。
- 無論您是剛接觸繩縛/自縛吊的新朋友或是資深繩手,貓樓上・繩語沙龍都歡迎您!
- 沒有繩縛相關經驗的朋友也很歡迎!
- 如果不想社交的話,也歡迎您在旁觀看!
- 活動一週前報名:【早鳥300元】,學生證現場出示不再優惠
- 活動一週內報名:【一般400元】,學生證現場出示,再優惠100元
- 雙人報名 (皆須填寫表單) 一起入場700元
- 對每位在場人士的個人界線,請保持最高的尊重。
- 任何活動開始前,皆需取得對方的知情同意。
- 安全是我們的最高原則。
- 本沙龍盡力維護在場所有人的實踐安全,但您的安全和個人界線最終是您的責任。
- 若工作人員留意到您或與您實踐的對象有安全上的疑慮,可能會有禮貌地告知,並可能會建議您調整自己的做法。
- 繩縛實踐需要強烈專注。當身邊有人正在進行繩縛實踐時,請保持安靜。
- 當有人正在綁或解繩時,請勿擅自介入打擾。除非事前有溝通過,否則打擾、詢問是否可以加入實踐、干涉他人的繩縛都是使人不快的。
- 除非取得在場所有人的知情同意,否則請勿拍照攝影。
- 攝影時,請確保非相關人士,含可辨識身份之個人物品,不在鏡框中。可請工作人員協助確認。
- 飲食請至非實踐區域。
- 請勿將食物及飲料帶到實踐區,保持實踐區整潔。
- 建議準時入場,如有需要,入場後可以隨時離場。
- 如造成設備或器物損傷,需照價賠償。
- 從事滴蠟或是液體類實踐時,請在夥伴身下放置保潔墊。
- 垃圾請放到垃圾桶或回收箱。
Registration & Attendance Policy:
- A successful registration with the confirmation email is required for attendance.
- A confirmation email comes with our address and detailed event information.
- Contact us for any attendance inquiries. Please inform us if you wish to cancel or would arrive late.
- Each participant must fill out their own registration form.
Event Details:
- Venue: Within walking distance of MRT Yuanshan Station and MRT Minquan West Road. The exact address will be sent in the confirmation email.
- Open to all genders and sexualities.
- Respect for all participants is paramount, including boundaries and informed consent.
- No matter how you identify yourself, you can speak and present yourself freely and safely here, on the ground that you provide equal respect to all other participants.
- Suspension equipment provided.
- Playlist, tea, and snacks available.
- We have a limited stock of ropes; we encourage you to bring your own ropes.
Experience Level:
- All levels of rope lovers are welcome.
- No prior experience is necessary.
- You are free to just observe on your own if you do not wish to participate or socialize.
Entrance Fee:
- [Early Bird: 300 NT]- sign up at least a week before; no further discount.
- [Regular: 400 NT]- sign up within a week; 100 NT off on a valid student ID.
- [Double Entries: 700 NT]- both needs to fill out this registration form.
Friendly Reminders:
- Respect the personal boundaries of every participant.
- Informed consent must be obtained before any activities commence.
- Safety is our first priority.
- While we strive to ensure that every Shibari session happening in our salon is safe, your safety and boundaries are your own responsibility.
- If we notice something concerning your safety or the safety of others, we will gently let you know and may ask you to adjust your behavior.
- Shibari requires a strong level of concentration. Please keep your voice down when people around you are tying.
- Please do not invite yourself into their session when people are tying or untying. Do not interrupt or ask if you can join or intervene unless agreed upon in advance.
- Photography is prohibited unless explicit consent is granted by all relevant parties involved.
- Please confirm with the host/organizers and ensure no other people are in your frame.
- Stay in the designated snacking area for food or beverages.
- DO NOT bring drinks/food on the mats; keep the action area clean.
- It is advisable to arrive on time for the event. You may leave and return to the venue at will during the event.
- Compensation shall be claimed if your actions cause any damage to any equipment/items available.
- When engaging in wax-play, place a waterproof protector sheet under your partner.
- Dispose of trash in the trashcan or the recycling bin.